第一印象很重要:品牌环境bob apple

2020展品 - 品牌环境bob apple

Visual identity. Brand presence. Any way you slice it, first impressions matter. Nowhere is this more true than in the branding of an environment. A strong identity does more than command attention – it is a calling card, sending a message about your brand’s mission, vision, and values.

Everybody knows how important first impressions are. Did you know that the window of time for a first impression is only seven seconds? This means that first look is critical. And while most of us appreciate this to ring true on an individual level — from meeting a new business acquaintance, to working at a tradeshow booth or walking into a job interview — how often do you consider the critical importance of that initial impression when clients and prospects first see your workplace and environment?

It takes more effort to gain new business than it does to keep current customers. It is important to think through how a corporate environment can communicate an organization’s culture, mission and brand. Environments drive engagement, foster connection and make that powerful first impression. Branded environments create a measurable, competitive advantage while offering the ideal backdrop for employees, visitors, recruits and guests.

30多年来,2020年展品一直在设计和制造独特,屡获殊荣的奖励bob apple 适合全球客户。从公司内部,零售环境。bob综合体育app博物馆,教育设施,医疗保健设施,体育场和体育中心等,我们的品牌环境队伍专业团队了解。bob综合体育app通过仔细评估客户需求和目标,我们确定关键要素和战略,以提供精心设计,创造性和功能性的环境。我们帮助客户达到关键目标,创造持久的印象,实现最佳结果。通过灵活但创造性的方法,我们希望增加组织绩效并达到工作空间目标。最大化我们的资源,我们提供有助于推动结果的创造性,创新和有效的环境和经验。bob综合体育app

You (and your brand) have just seven seconds – but if you handle it well, seven seconds are all you need!