5 Tips for a Successful Showing at OTC2020

OTC 2020.

Showcasing leading-edge technology for the offshore, drilling, exploration, production and environmental protection, Offshore Technology Conference is the world’s foremost event for companies looking to make their mark in the offshore energy industry. Hosted at NRG Park in Houston, Texas from May 4-7, 2020,OTC2020.致力于成为拥挤的景观,拥有2,568家公司,代表43个国家争夺近109,000人的注意。所以在这样一个拥挤的景观中,你如何让贵公司(和新闻)从其他景观中脱颖而出?


花费时间和能源花费你的节目策略可能比在展会上花在展厅的时间更重要。你越早开始这个过程,潜在的奖励越大。您的留言是什么,您将如何传播该消息以及如何听到?从PR透视中,开始最多12个月的计划。有什么新闻?您的品牌是否有任何公告或产品发布?您的品牌是否会合作或赞助任何活动或活动?您可以在9月初开始和分享开始思考节目。你的新闻将是什么?您将如何从看似无限数量的行业公告中脱颖而出? Analyze what the trends might be and plan to communicate your company’s plans within those categories.

2.告诉你的故事一次,两次,三次 - 洗,冲洗和重复

在讲述您的品牌故事时清晰和精确。当您通过OTC2020广告系列思考时,永远不会让您的信息放弃。它应该是明确的,简洁和引人注目的。在短剪辑或声音叮咬方面思考 - 只需一次又一次地分享邮件即可分享。通过清晰,清晰,简洁的消息传递放大您的邮件。想想标志性的1980年的制造有机洗发水商业广告,展示了原始营销的指数力量 - 当时口中的话语,由社交网络的力量放大。通过强大,清晰的信息捕捉您的前景“和客户的关注。声音咬人会做。他们会告诉两个朋友等等。


Consider the many ways you can brand your corporate website, driving your OTC2020 messaging. If your corporate website is considered sacred ground, create an OTC2020 specific micro-site. Brand it with your OTC2020 campaign, including a location map for your exhibit so visitors can easily find you at NRG Park throughout the April 30 – May 3 event. Journalists, clients, and prospects need a way to find out more about you and the micro-site the perfect place to include this sort of information – easily and quickly. From an online press kit, to press releases product details and links to your social channels, your OTC2020 event micro-site can be an all-in-one source for all things related to OTC2020. Some of the items that should be available in this online press kit are product data sheets and images, press releases from the show, press contact information, FAQs, executive bio, video interviews or product details, as well as social media URLs.


One communication truism is that it takes at least six times or impressions before a message can be heard. Consider all of your communication and branding touch points – from the marketing and sales collateral, to eBlasts and eNewsletters, advertising, direct marketing and direct mail, social media through to Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram or Pinterest and plan through your campaign. Consider your target audience to help drive your decisions and planning.


赦免陈词滥调,但自德克萨斯州休斯顿以来,这一个是德克萨斯·觉得的一点:你可以带马到水,但你不能让他喝酒。虽然无法保证您在沟通和获取消息时的最佳努力将为NRG Park带来完美的前景访问您的团队,您必须坚持。正在进行的,一致的消息传递和品牌将达成一个和弦,将公司与其他人区分开来。

TheOffshore Technology Conferencerepresents a tremendous opportunity. With early planning and solid strategy, you company’s message is sure to rise about the noise and be heard, loud and clear.
