May 2021



After 2020 brought things to a halt, in-person events are beginning to start again in places from Houston to Las Vegas and beyond. As this trend continues, exhibitors and exhibit providers alike need to find new ways to keep people safe and attract businesses. While safety is now a larger concern, that doesn’t mean fun activities aren’t around. Utilize Digital Tools and Activities While in-person events may be returning, there are many important lessons to be learned from the digital-only times of the last year. This means using digital tools like Livestream and interactive videos to make in-person events more interesting and encourage participation. Other ideas include social media challenges such as branded hashtags or live games using smartphones. Make Events into a Conversation After so many online events, zoom calls and unstable connections, visitors are ready for some dialogue. That is why it is important to encourage questions withContinue reading



You’ve taken every step to make it a success. You’ve laid the groundwork, lining up great speakers, full of inspiration, and impact. You are carefully considering every best and worst-case scenario, walking through the event with endless run-throughs, and practices, and checking off every box for the big day. Nervous? Yes, a little bit but so excited to kick things off. Your virtual event is going to be a great show!

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As the tradeshow industry considers the next steps towards its safe return, 2020 Exhibits is actively working to provide our clients with creative solutions to achieve their event marketing goals keeping in mind the needs for safety and practicality in our changing world. Without question, health and safety are the top priority. And as we work with clients through the design process, we are making very conscious and contentious decisions to tailor our design strategy and solutions to fit a project and offer opportunities to move forward with the best design and experience possible.

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With Coronavirus comes many new ways of navigating both our personal and professional lives. What was once a reasonably solid between the two is now thoroughly blended, merging in ways not many had imagined only months ago.

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Virtual Trade Shows and Engagement: Reimagining B2B

您的节目已被推迟或更糟糕的是,可怕的取消。或者也许您正在准备举办活动,代表您的品牌或非营利的大产品发布或商人经验,但必须使令人情绪迅速的决定取消这种面对面的活动或经验。在活动,贸易展和展览空间中,关于这个新的不正常的一切都会感到压倒性。花点时间浸泡在变革的现实中。是的,这将是不同的。是的,我们必须转移。和枢轴。但是,在非常呼吸中,真相是,以清晰度和意图,坚实的战略思维和规划,可以有一个新的B2B参与解决方案。考虑进行虚拟。通过虚拟贸易展览活动和在线B2B展览您仍然可以参与和教育目标受众。 Even in this world of remote engagement, we are planning and preparing toContinue reading

Exhibitor Magazine Features NOV OTC Exhibit Experience Designed by 2020 Exhibits

当一个关于2020年展品项目中的一个特征文章在线上线和杂志在我们的书桌上的土地上,始终是一个如此荣誉和明亮的地方!此类参展商杂志的情况是庆祝我们最喜欢的经验之一:在离岸技术会议上的一个。“邀请避难所”,“安静的自我节奏的经验”和“宁静的VIP休息室”只是这两页传播中指出的一些亮点。在11月的周到,有趣和刻意的OTC展览中,有很多东西可以看到,做和体验。As many of you are working remotely, from your homes, we invite you to pause for a just a moment, take a very deep breath, and take in these images and NOV’s story, which highlights their intentional strategy to differentiate and improve CX at tradeshows. We hope that like us, you see the clarity, intention, and beauty.Continue reading

Fresh Environmental Graphics & Signage

Fresh Environmental Graphics & Signage

Make your brand impressive everywhere and come alive with light, bright, and refreshing custom corporate interiors and environments. Take a moment to enjoy these beautiful architectural and environmental projects.

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Make an Impact with Eye Catching Signage

Make an Impact with Eye Catching Signage

Capturing attention is no easy task. It is a busy and chaotic world out there, with businesses and brands working hard to attract clients, customers, and the all-important attention. Do you wish someone would simply give you a sign?

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