



  • Qualifying leads is infrequent, with only 30 percent of exhibitors capturing demographics and other lead qualifier questions, in addition to contact information and product or service interest information.
  • Customized emails, 64 percent, and phone follow-up tailored to address attendee product or service interests, 59 percent, are the most common follow-up methods. Fulfillment of these efforts is completed within two weeks by over 70 percent of exhibitors using each method.

Your sales team can’t follow up and close those leads without good information. What better way to push those leads to conversion, moving them from conversation to clients than a systematic, easy way to not only retrieve but track – in real-time – these all important leads. Enter媒体套房。强大,实时的分析媒体套件支持最具活力,全部均为一体,易于使用的交互式销售工具和活动行业的参与解决方案。

With Media Suite, leads are qualified 100 percent of the time with capturing demographics and other lead qualifier questions. Additionally, key contact information and interest is gauged. Follow up is a snap with the immediate delivery of requested product or service information. From the show floor, sales teams can see and measure level of interest and true product focus. Follow up can be immediate, with the sales team no longer waiting for key analytics and information to make the call. In fact, according to the CEIR study, over 70 percent of exhibitors take up to two weeks for follow up. With Media Suite, you can speed the sales cycle.
