

越来越多的活动经理正在承担选择他们的贸易展和展览馆伙伴的作用 - 但他们可能不知道从哪里开始。仔细考虑您的贸易展和活动营销计划的需求和目标是找到合适的重要第一步。如果您发现自己在这艘船中,请牢记这一七个关键问题,以便顺利帆船。

  1. The Brand:Tell us a little about your brand and your business including products, services, and industry trends. Be sure to include branding guidelines and objectives
  2. 景观:我们应该如何了解您的贸易展,活动计划和营销目标?
  3. 方向:Where are you trying to go? Include your program objectives, prioritize and be specific
  4. The Look:Do you have key design requirements, including preferences, needs, and objectives
  5. The Time frame:What are the anticipated or concrete event and tradeshow timeline?
  6. 在节目:Tell us more about your service needs and requirements, such as I & D, on-site management
  7. 底线:It’s helpful to include budgetary information.

正如您为新贸易展览展览和活动合作伙伴的计划战略会议,鼓励不同部门的人参与,包括对其小组或师的最重要的事项。花时间在RFP进程的前端仔细考虑并分享您业务的关键要素,您的贸易展计划可能意味着节省时间和金钱。不需要粗糙的水域。How can we help?